Rafael M. Martínez Sánchez
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- Áreas: Arqueozoología, Bioarqueología, Domesticación, Neolítico y Edad del Cobre en la Península Ibérica y Norte de África, Prehistoria reciente del Guadalquivir Medio y Subbético Cordobés...
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Publicaciones recientes
- MARTÍNEZ SÁNCHEZ, R.M., VERA RODRÍGUEZ, J.C., PÉREZ JORDÀ, G., PEÑA-CHOCARRO, L. y BOKBOT, Y., (2018): "The beginning of the Neolithic in northwestern Morocco", Quaternary International In press.
- VALDIOSERA, C., GÜNTHER, T., VERA RODRÍGUEZ, J.C., UREÑA, I., IRIARTE AVILÉS, E., RODRÍGUEZ VARELA, R., SIMOES, L., MARTÍNEZ SÁNCHEZ, R.M., SVENSSON, E.M., MALMSTRÖM, H., RODRÍGUEZ, L., BERNMÚDEZ DE CASTRO, J.M., CARBONELL, E., ALDAY RUIZ, A., HERNÁNDEZ VERA, J.A., GÖTHERSTROM, A., CARRETERO DÍAZ, J.M., ARSUAGA FERRERAS, J.L., SMITH, C.I. y JAKOBSSON, M. (2018): "Four millennia of Iberian biomolecular prehistory illustrate the impact of prehistoric migrations at the far end of Eurasia", PNAS.
- MARTÍNEZ SÁNCHEZ, R.M., VERA RODRÍGUEZ, J.C., MORENO GARCÍA, M., PÉREZ JORDÀ, G., PEÑA-CHOCARRO, L. y BOKBOT, Y., (2017): "Beyond Adornment: Cowry Use as Potter's Tool in the First Impressed Wares of the Southwestern Mediterranean Coast (Northern Morocco)", Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology, pp. 1-18.
- MARTÍNEZ SÁNCHEZ, R.M., MARTÍN DE LA CRUZ, J.C., TUSA, S., UBERA JIMÉNEZ, J.L. e INGOGLIA, A.K. (2016): " New contribution to absolute dating of the monumental neolithic ditch-trench of Stretto-Partanna (Trapani, Sicily)", Trabajos de Prehistoria 73, pp. 304-313.
- MORALES MATEOS, J., PÉREZ JORDÀ, G., PEÑA-CHOCARRO, L., BOKHBOT, Y., VERA RODRÍGUEZ, J.C., MARTÍNEZ SÁNCHEZ, R.M. y LINSTÄDTER, J. ( 2016): "The introduction of South-Western Asian domesticated plants in North-Western Africa: an archaeobotanical contribution from Neolithic Morocco", Quaternary International 412, pp. 96-109.